Articles of Association of the "Adolf Reichel Society"

1. Name and registered office
Under the name “Adolf Reichel Society” there is an association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff. ZGB based in Basel.
2. Purpose
The association aims to promote the Adolf Reichel musician dynasty.
As a means of pursuing the association's purpose, the association has
- the membership fees, which are determined annually by the general meeting.
- Contributions from sponsors, patrons, others
3. Membership
Any natural or legal person who has an interest in the purpose of the association can become an active member with voting rights. Details are set out in the “Membership” regulations. Applications for admission are to be addressed to the President; Acceptance is decided upon by the board.
4. Termination of Membership
Membership expires upon resignation or exclusion. It is possible to leave the association on December 31st.
5. Organs of the association
a) the general assembly, b) the board, c) the auditors
5a. The General Assembly
The highest body of the association is the general assembly. An ordinary general assembly takes place annually. Members will be invited in writing to the General Assembly in good time with the agenda attached.
The general assembly has the following tasks:
Annual report
Election of the board of directors, the keeper of the minutes and the auditors
Establishing and changing the statutes and regulations
Acceptance of the annual accounts and the auditor's report
Decision on the annual budget
Determination of the membership fee
Date of the next general meeting, motions, varia
Each member has one vote at the General Assembly; the resolution is passed with a simple majority.
5b. The board consists of at least 3 people: President, Treasurer, Secretary. The board represents the association externally and manages the day-to-day business. He acts on a voluntary basis.
6. Signature
The association is bound by the collective signature of the president together with another member of the board.
7. Liability
Only the association's assets are liable for the association's debts. A personal liability of the members is excluded.
8. Amendments to the Articles of Association
The present statutes can be changed if three quarters of the members present agree to the proposed change. The following apply as an appendix to the Articles of Association:
Regulations musicians
Membership regulations
9. Dissolution of the association
The dissolution of the association can be decided with three quarters of the members present. If the association is dissolved, the association's assets fall to an institution to be determined.
10. Entry into force
These statutes were adopted at the founding meeting on December 6, 2020 in Bern and came into force on this date.

Bern, December 6, 2020

President: Mathis Reichel
Secretary: Jean-Luc Reichel
Treasurer: Jürg Reichel
Auditor substitute assessors:
Lorenz Reichel, Noëmi Reichel
Max Sommerhalder, Regina Reichel, Giuliano Sommerhalder, Simone Sommerhalder

Members, patronage
To achieve our goals, we need both non-material and financial support. For this purpose we have created the status of member and patronage.

Gold Fr. 1000.-
Silver Fr. 300.-
Bronze Fr. 50.-
only member Fr. 10.-

The patronage committee consists of personalities from the cultural life who can either be asked by us or suggested from outside.